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25 Oct, 2016
AWS Security Training: Top Videos & Resources
Security in the AWS Cloud requires a new way of looking at traditional tools and practices. Luckily, many free and low-cost resources are available to.
20 Oct, 2016
Advanced Cloud Security: Q&A with a Sr. DevOps Engineer
Enterprise IT has long struggled to develop common standards for the security of cloud deployments. With multiple cloud vendors, fast-moving product teams, and a changing.
20 Apr, 2016
Docker Security: How to Monitor and Patch Containers in the Cloud
By Jason McKay CTO and SVP of Engineering Nearly a quarter of enterprises are already using Docker and an additional 35% plan to use it..
13 Apr, 2016
The Key to Maximizing the Advantages of Cloud Security
by Paul Fletcher, Security Evangelist at Alert Logic Despite the pervasive use of the cloud to handle complex, secure workloads, many organizations question whether the cloud.
12 Apr, 2016
eBook: Continuous Compliance and the Art of AWS Cloud Security Automation
Compliance audits are usually a scramble. Your systems engineers spend weeks pulling together logs and documenting processes, taking time away from important projects and fixing.
9 Mar, 2016
The #1 AWS Cloud Security Tool for Retailers and eCommerce
More money will be spent on cybersecurity in 2016 than ever before. But where will the money be spent? What are CSOs and CTOs most.
24 Feb, 2016
How Secure is AWS Cloud for Retailers and eCommerce?
In recent years, many retailers and eCommerce giants migrated major projects to Amazon Web Services (AWS), including Nordstrom, instacart, Time Inc., and Ticketmaster. In a.
8 Dec, 2015
Your Cloud’s #1 Cybersecurity Risk: You
Your engineering team is one of your organization’s greatest assets. But it can also be your greatest liability. As most security experts know, the biggest.
20 Oct, 2015
Knowledge is Power in AWS Compliance
Featured in TechTarget’s SearchAWS While AWS provides HIPAA-enabled services, the use of theses services and a BAA makes you neither secure nor compliant. Engineers need.
21 Aug, 2015
5 Real Ways to Approach Security Automation
Featured in InformationWeek’s Network Computing Manual work is a huge risk in enterprise computing. The new power of infrastructure-as-code gives enterprise IT teams the opportunity.